Distracted Driving Dangers
Explore how different distractions affect the time it takes to complete a numbered finger maze.
Key Questions
- How do different types of distractions affect the time required to complete a task?
- How can driving while distracted be minimized?
Student Directions
- View the Introduction video.
- Download and print the Student Activity Sheet.
- Do the activity and begin answering the analysis questions.
- View the Conclusion video and finish answering the analysis questions.
Inference: an idea or conclusion that is based on observations and evidence. A greater number of and more detailed observations usually leads to more accurate inferences.
Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL): a system that gradually moves young beginning drivers to full driving privileges over time. GDL introduces young beginners to driving in a low-risk way under supervision, allowing them to become more mature and master their driving skills before receiving full licensure.
Please log in to your teacher account to access the Teacher area.
Explore how different distractions affect the time it takes to complete a numbered finger maze.
Key Questions
- How do different types of distractions affect the time required to complete a task?
- How can driving while distracted be minimized?
Student Directions
- View the Introduction video.
- Download and print the Student Activity Sheet.
- Do the activity and begin answering the analysis questions.
- View the Conclusion video and finish answering the analysis questions.
Inference: an idea or conclusion that is based on observations and evidence. A greater number of and more detailed observations usually leads to more accurate inferences.
Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL): a system that gradually moves young beginning drivers to full driving privileges over time. GDL introduces young beginners to driving in a low-risk way under supervision, allowing them to become more mature and master their driving skills before receiving full licensure.
Please log in to your teacher account to access the Teacher area.